Sir John Hunt Community Sports College
The Governing Body of Sir John Hunt Community Sports College in Plymouth, is proposing that the school should become an academy and join the Greenshaw Learning Trust.
The governors and school leaders have been carefully considering the future of Sir John Hunt Community Sports College and exploring different partnerships that will support continued school improvement. They concluded that it would be in the best interests of the students, staff and wider community to take advantage of the closer collaboration and stronger support it would get by being part of a multi-academy trust; and, having evaluated the options, that it should join the Greenshaw Learning Trust.
As part of the Greenshaw family of schools the school will benefit from and contribute to a close collaboration of like-minded schools - both primary and secondary - whilst retaining its character and its place at the heart of the local community.
The Greenshaw Learning Trust has a similar ethos to Sir John Hunt Community Sports College. The Trust understands the community the school serves and the strengths and needs of its students, and has the skills and experience that will help the school give them the best start in life.
If the proposals proceed to plan and the necessary formal arrangements are agreed between the school, the Greenshaw Learning Trust, the Department for Education and Plymouth City Council, it is expected that Sir John Hunt Community Sports College will join the Greenshaw Learning Trust on 1 April 2021.
You can read about the proposal in the leaflet here.
Update: 26 July 2021
Following a stakeholder consultation, Sir John Hunt Community Sports College in Plymouth, has been granted approval by the Regional Schools Commissioner to join the Greenshaw Learning Trust. Many key steps required for the school to convert to an academy and transfer have been completed. However, the school is on a Private Finance Initiative (PFI) shared campus, which increases the complexity and number of legal processes to be completed. The conversion project team will continue to drive this forward to ensure the transfer takes place as soon as possible. The Greenshaw Learning Trust is working closely with the school, and the staff and students are already being treated as part of the GLT family ahead of the transfer.