Greenshaw Learning Trust launches virtual choir for students

The Greenshaw Learning Trust has launched a virtual choir for secondary students
The Greenshaw Learning Trust has launched a virtual choir for secondary students and their families to join in from home. Led by choir director Nigel Ipinson-Fleming, former keyboardist for OMD and The Stone Roses, students join together in this uplifting and inclusive weekly activity.
The choir programme features a pre-recorded 45 minute session, which includes a vocal warm up, teaching two songs, a positive thought and finishes with a performance. After each pre-recorded session, a 15 minute live singalong is held on Instagram and YouTube, which gives students the opportunity to sing together and give song ideas. Students are also provided recordings of backing tracks so they can download and sing along.
Will Smith, CEO of the Greenshaw Learning Trust, said: “We are committed to delivering a broad and balanced curriculum for our students and we are thrilled to include this enriching activity as part of our virtual learning. We believe our choir shows our students that they are part of our wider education community across the Trust’s family of schools.”
Nigel commented: “I am delighted to continue to support choirs across the Greenshaw Learning Trust’s schools, by moving our sessions into the virtual world. Group singing provides people of all ages and abilities the opportunity to use music to improve their wellbeing and develop good emotional health and resilience. Despite the separation of the young people, we know that we are joining together to celebrate music.”