Blaise awarded School of Sanctuary Status
Blaise High School has been awarded School of Sanctuary status.
Blaise High School has been awarded School of Sanctuary status by empowering EAL (English as an additional language) students to achieve their full potential, promoting equality of opportunity, and delivering a broad and balanced curriculum.
Blaise High School aims for all students to feel welcome, safe and valued, and able to fulfil their ambitions. To achieve this vision, the school celebrates the multi-lingualism of students and finds opportunities in the curriculum, displays and in extra-curricular events to recognise the importance of speaking different languages. The school recognises that it is important for EAL students to be proud of their first language and to be given opportunities to continue to use it to support their learning.
EAL students are assessed as soon as they arrive at the school and receive the appropriate support to acquire English language skills. This enables them to feel included in the classroom and fully access the curriculum as quickly and effectively as possible, as well as taking part in the school’s day to day activities.
For further information on Schools of Sanctuary please click here.