Inspection of a good school: Broadwater School
Broadwater School continues to be a good school.
At the end of the summer term 2023, Broadwater School in Surrey was visited by Ofsted for an 'ungraded inspection'. This type of visit acts as a check-in to confirm that the school remains good and we are delighted that this was confirmed with the report, alongside inspectors recognising considerable improvements and strengths of the school.
In particular, the report acknowledges that “pupils gain a good all-round education, where academic success and well-being are equally valued”, and that pupils feel "happy and safe".
In October 2019, Broadwater School was judged as outstanding for personal development and Ofsted continues to recognise that “the school’s work to build pupils’ character and develop their self-confidence is a significant strength.” Broadwater also offers "unique" opportunities to their students.
Will Smith, CEO of the Greenshaw Learning Trust, says: "The Board of Trustees and I are delighted that Ofsted have rightly recognised the excellent provision at Broadwater School, including the inspirational leadership from Lizzi and the wider team."
This was the first routine inspection the school has received since the Covid-19 pandemic began. Inspectors discussed the impact of the pandemic with leaders and took that into account in their evaluation of the school. Inspectors met with a range of leaders, including the headteacher and senior leaders throughout the visit, as well as subject leaders, pastoral leaders, teaching and support staff.