Governors' attendance

Montpelier Primary School Governing Body Attendance 2024-25

Governor GB1 GB2 GB3 GB4 GB5 GB6
  02.10.24 27.11.24 06.02.25 19.03.25 14.05.25 02.07.25
Robert Adamson P          
Louise Frost P          
Alison Green P          
Katie Lai P          
John Mahony P          
Victoria Pascoe P          
Aaron West C          
Helen Woolley P          
Simon Healy P          
P In attendance
C Absent with consent
A Absent without consent
N/A Not a governor for this meeting
Blank No meeting

Montpelier Primary School Governing Body Attendance 2023-24

Governor GB1 GB2 GB3 GB4 GB5 GB6
  05.10.23 23.11.23 18.01.24 07.03.24 02.05.24 27.06.24
Shameer Asan Ali C P P C N/A N/A
Robert Adamson C P P P P P
Louise Frost P P P P C P
Alison Green P C P P P C
Katie Lai N/A N/A N/A P C C
John Mahony P P P P C P
Victoria Pascoe P P P P P C
Aaron West P P P P P P
Helen Woolley P P P P P P
Simon Healy N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A P
P In attendance
C Absent with consent
A Absent without consent
N/A Not a governor for this meeting
Blank No meeting