2025 In-Year Variation to Admission Arrangements
The Greenshaw Learning Trust is currently consulting on the amalgamation of Moat Primary Academy and Robinswood Primary Academy.
Trust Leaders and Trustees of the Greenshaw Learning Trust have been considering the
future for both schools and have concluded that it would be in the best interests of both
schools to amalgamate the provision on a single site at Robinswood Primary Academy.
This would mean that Moat Primary Academy would close. The date for the closure, subject
to the consultation and final decisions, is yet to be confirmed but it is anticipated that it will
be either from 1 September 2025 or 1 September 2026.
An In-Year Variation to the admission arrangements for Robinswood Primary Academy is
now being consulted upon to allow provision for pupils currently attending Moat Primary
The main changes to the oversubscription criteria are detailed below.
- Priority for pupils currently attending Moat Primary Academy
- Priority of Children of Members of Staff now includes staff employed at Moat
Primary Academy - Priority of Children of Members of Staff now includes staff employed at Moat
Primary Academy - Priority for Pre-school children currently attending Moat Primary Academy who wish
to transfer to Robinswood Primary Academy Pre-school - Inclusion of a pre-school provision for two-year-olds