Shared Services
The Greenshaw Learning Trust provides a range of high quality services to support schools and help them to provide the best learning environment for their pupils and achieve efficiency improvements and cost savings. These shared services are available to all schools in the Trust and can be purchased by other schools and academy trusts.
The Trust Shared Services are those services and functions of the Trust that are not contained within a school budget and are not the responsibility of a school headteacher and/or governing body, including:
- Functions and services required for the Trust to fulfil its statutory responsibilities.
- Core shared services that the Board of Trustees has decided need to be consistent across the Trust or are only done effectively as a single or trust-provided service.
- Trust-wide shared services that schools and the Board of Trustees have agreed collectively should be used by all Trust schools and/or provided centrally.
- Functions and services provided by and through the Trust Shared Service to one or more GLT schools.
- Functions and services offered by and through the Trust Shared Service on a traded basis to schools outside the Trust.
The Shared Services team consists of experts including school improvement, finance, human resources, estates, health and safety, clerking, catering, IT and systems and integration. The team evolves to meet the needs of the organisation's corporate responsibilities and our schools.